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My Categories page is a gateway to a diverse tapestry of subjects that will intrigue and inspire you. Delve into the depths of STEM fields, unravel the complexities of philosophy, sociology, economics, and politics, and embark on a historical journey that unravels the past. Immerse yourself in the vibrant realm of art, where creativity knows no bounds. Prepare to expand your horizons and embark on a multidimensional exploration of fascinating disciplines. Let curiosity be your guide as you navigate through these captivating categories, ready to discover new perspectives and insights at every turn.

About Critical thinking

Critical Thinking:
1. Analytical mindset: Critical thinking involves actively and objectively evaluating information and situations.
2. Questioning and seeking evidence: It involves questioning assumptions, seeking evidence, and evaluating the credibility and relevance of information.
3. Objective evaluation: Critical thinking aims to evaluate arguments, claims, and evidence without personal biases or preconceived notions.
4. Logical reasoning: It relies on logical reasoning and sound judgment to draw well-reasoned conclusions and make informed decisions.
5. Problem-solving orientation: Critical thinking helps identify problems, analyze them from different perspectives, and develop creative solutions.
6. Independence of thought: It encourages independent thinking and the ability to form one’s own opinions based on evidence and logical reasoning.
7. Continuous learning: Critical thinking is an ongoing process that promotes a willingness to explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and adapt beliefs based on new evidence.

Both constructive criticism and critical thinking are valuable skills that promote growth, improvement, and effective decision-making in various aspects of life.

My world view encompasses the fundamental beliefs, values, and assumptions that shape my individual perception and understanding of the world. It is a comprehensive framework through which my interpretation and experiences of reality make sense .


See to the “Projects” section—an exciting hub where my books come to life and my upcoming research takes shape.

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We are on a journey of abundant knowledge and continuous learning, and your support empowers me to grow and persist in my endeavors. Your participation enriches the content of this website and enables me to continue exploring complexities and contemplating various fascinating topics. Patreon grants me the opportunity to build a brighter future with your companionship. I sincerely appreciate your generous support and look forward to growing and thriving together on this enjoyable and inspiring journey!

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